
Craft Rally at Chelsea

TED and Chelsea College of Art & Design will be hosting the Craft's Council exciting new initiative called Craft Rally, a network event for makers at all stage of their careers.

The first Craft Rally will take place at Chelsea on 25th March and will include presentations, workshops and opportunities for networking. TED member Becky Earley will be discussing her work as a maker and academic exploring sustainability and Clara Vuletich and the textile collective she is part of, bricolage will be on hand to help participants record their thoughts and ideas onto a tablecloth with 'Cloth Non-Confidential'.

What does craft’s relationship to sustainability, resourcefulness, activism or community mean to your practice? How could collaboration with other craft-makers and disciplines generate new and exciting ways of looking at your own approach? All of these questions and more will be encouraged and explored.

Tickets are £40 and bookings are essential.